where style meets function.

How to work from home with a baby

Hey Girl! When I found out I was pregnant with my now 18 month old, I nearly had a panic attack. We were not expecting to get pregnant. We were not mentally preparing to have a child. It was not in our plan!!! You see, I had ALWAYS dreamed of being able to stay home with my kids. Actually, I LONGED to live a life chasing my passions (I had many) and my kiddos… not climbing the corporate ladder.

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Business Growth Sandra H Business Growth Sandra H

8 things you can outsource (without breaking the bank)

There is a saying out there that says that entrepreneurs are the only ones willing to work 80 hours per week to avoid working 40. I laugh every time I hear it but, from what I've seen, it's totally true! I don't know about you, but the freedom and flexibility is totally worth it to me! On the other hand, it's so important to regain some of that time to make sure you avoid burnout. A stressed-out Momma isn't fun for anyone! 

Friend, you don't need to work 80 hours a week to have a profitable business! 

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