The weekly-ish podcast for Christian women who are ready to build a home, business, and life that is fully surrendered to the Lord. This type of life will look radically different from the world and it won’t be easy, but we’ll discover how to do it together, one conversation at a time.

PS. Stay-at-home moms, homeschool moms, homemakers… you’re a working woman too. ;)


Coming soon

You will be faced with an average of 35,000 decisions today.

To make these decisions even more difficult, you will also be bombarded with things prying for your undivided attention— work, kids, housework, and so much more.

The combination of all these things pulling at us each day can leave us completely overwhelmed and burnt out.

How can we escape the burnout? How can we confidently make decisions without overwhelm? How can we hear from Him? How can we follow Him? How can we know His will? How can we know what to do next in our lives?

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭ESV

We can renew our minds daily and focus on Him.

This podcast exists so you would be empowered to know the Word, develop a love for the Word, and be transformed in the renewal of your mind — in full surrender — while you seek more of Him each day.

I want this podcast to encourage you each week…

You can know His will for your life. You can walk in the Spirit. You can confidently make decisions and watch as He moves in your life.

The story behind the podcast

Hi, I’m Sandra.

After 12+ years of building online businesses, I found myself drowning. I was striving to grow my profit. I worried about where my next client would come from. I worked endless hours after the kids went to bed at night. Deep down, I knew this wasn’t the life God had for me.

One day, my 5-year-old son looked at me and said “Mommy, watch this”... only to repeat... “are you still watching?” ... “Are you still watching”...

He seemed so doubtful that I was actually watching and it hit me like a ton of bricks...

I had trained him to believe I would say I was watching, only to look away a few seconds later. I would then shift my focus to my phone or laptop, whichever I was currently working on.

It was rare that I spent time with the family without one of these devices in my hand... After all, I was a busy mom of two toddlers. Finding time to run a business was out of the question. So, I had to carve out time to work however and wherever possible.

Even to the detriment of my family.

This began a stirring inside of me. A stirring for more in life - more than being constantly overwhelmed and burnt out.

It was through this season that the Lord began to show me that I had allowed so many things - other than Him - to take the main focus of my life.


Rewind 2 years and you’ll see my husband and I sitting together in a counseling session.

The therapist was talking about addictions and my first reaction was to point the finger at others. “Yeah, they have a problem” ... or “He sure needs to work on that one”. After all, I didn’t struggle with the "normal" addictions. But after a while, God began to speak softly to my heart... you have an addiction too.

When asked what we thought of most... what kept us up at night, what we worried about, what stole our attention... my answer was easy...


God continued to work on my heart over the following years...

And finally, in 2023, he called me to step out of the business I had co-founded and built from 2020-2023.

You know how sometimes you get stuck "in the weeds"? It’s not until you shift, lay it down, and look at it from a different perspective that you see what was really going on?

That’s exactly what happened to me. When I stepped out of my business in 2023, God began to shine a light on the issues in my heart. He began to bring light to areas where I had been living my life out of alignment with Him.

He began to take me on a journey of full surrender in Him.