3 tips to grow your business in 2021

How to grow your business in 2021

Hi friend! I wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU. Whether you’ve been here for the past 5 years or you’re brand new, I truly do appreciate you. Without you, none of this would be possible.

Today, I wanted to share 3 tips to help you grow your online business in 2021.

Because let’s be honest, 2020 has thrown us all for a loop.

I don’t know where you’re at today in your business. I don’t know how you’re looking back on the year we’ve had… or how (or even if) you’re planning ahead to grow your business in the coming months… but the thing I can tell you for sure is… even though things feel a little rocky in our world and economy right now, online business really is booming! And there is PLENTY of room for you to have a piece of it too.

Ok, so here are my tips for you…

Tip 1: Get out of your head

This year has been taxing on us all in our own ways. The last thing you need is to be drowning in your thoughts and worry (trust me, I know and I’ve been struggling big time here too). Staying stuck in overwhelm or analysis paralysis isn’t going to help you grow.

I’ve had to…

  • Get OFF social media as much as possible (iPhone users should check out screen time limits and have a family member or friend set a password, just saying!)… STOP the doom scrolling!

  • Crank up that encouraging music while getting things done around the house…

  • Take it all back to my faith and remember that God’s got this! He knows exactly what He’s doing and he’s STILL in control…

  • Meet online with other business owners doing what you do, share experiences, and maybe even collaborate a little!

Tip 2: Determine how YOU want to market + sell

If there’s anything we’ve seen in 2020, it’s that there are endless ways to market, promote, and sell your business online.

If you hate showing up and providing one-on-one client work and you’re SO burnt out… FINE, shift and offer something different.

If you want to offer a course but hate the idea of leaving your students to “figure it all out on their own”… FINE, don’t offer a course that way. You can offer ANYTHING you want. You can always provide a level of live support with your course.

** Take a moment right now to think about your offerings. Do you love them?

If not, change it! You’ll be so much more likely to show up with a pep in your step in 2021 if you LOVE what you’re selling!

Tip 3: Boost your foundation so you have FIRM FOOTING as you step into 2021

Oftentimes, the FOUNDATION of your business is something that gets skipped over and crossed out of your budget when first starting your business. Things like …

Making sure you have a strategic brand that attracts the right people. We jump right into hiring a logo designer or brand designer (news flash, a logo is NOT a brand!)… but when we just hire a designer who does it for us, we usually don’t actually learn how or why we’re branding our business a certain way to begin with. This foundation step is CRUCIAL to having a brand that brings you profit.

Creating a website that actually converts viewers into email list signups and paying clients/customers. I want to encourage you that it REALLY IS possible to add a little organic growth into your marketing strategy. You DON’T Have to always rely on social media networking, the FB group hustle, and the Insta DM game…

This last month, my website brought me almost 100 new leads, and these leads were almost entirely from Google traffic. A large hand-full of these leads bought products or enrolled into my courses without me having to even say a word to them first. THIS CAN HAPPEN FOR YOU TOO!

Alright there you have it. Those are my top tips to help you jumpstart 2021 BEFORE it even gets here.

If you’re ready to get serious about your online presence, I have a resource that will help you get started.

This 5-day Brand Builder Workshop is for you if... (9).jpg

It's the VERY FIRST foundation step I always recommend you take so seriouslyYour BRAND! If we were chatting right now over coffee, I'd ask you...

  1. If you have a solid brand foundation.

  2. If you REALLY know who you’re trying to reach with your brand.

  3. If your brand EXPERIENCE (not just the visuals) attracts that person.

  4. If your brand visuals make sense with the PERCEPTION you want to have in the world.

If this sounds like something you need to figure out for your business (or maybe it sounds like another language, that's ok too), then I’ve got you!

My friend Melissa and I have been SO BUSY creating a resource to walk you through building a DIY brand at a tiny fraction of the cost of hiring a professional designer (pssst… $27 is a TINY fraction of that cost, PLUS you get bonuses... WHAT?!). And friends, this resource is GOOOOD.

We’ve literally jam-packed EVERYTHING we could think of after 10+ years of branding 6 & 7 figure entrepreneurs… and we’ve boiled it all down into this one, short, easy-to-follow course.

It's not just about creating logos and picking colors. It dives into the strategy behind WHY and HOW to pick the absolute best color, font, logo (etc.) options for your business. We also show you how to take your brand and work it strategically into your message. Aka... your brand should affect how you show up in the world.

Want to learn more about this new course? You can grab it here.

Always cheering you on,



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