25 of the best font pairings for your Squarespace website
So much more goes into creating amazing Squarespace websites for our clients than meets the eye…
It’s easy to think that a website is just about creating the right pages, writing the best words, choosing eye-catching images, and adding the buttons and links in the right places… but there’s actually SO much more that goes into it. Before we can even begin to think about any of those things, we first have to focus on the foundation of it all… your brand.
Not sure what your brand and website style is? Take our 2-minute quiz to find out now.
Maybe you’re wondering, “Why is your brand so important?”
Great question! At the end of the day, all business owners want to be viewed as the go-to expert in their industry. But when Sally Joe (your next prospective buyer) finds your business on Facebook, Instagram, Google, or wherever she finds it, her next step will be to head over to your website. When they hop on your website, they want to see that you look legit. The first thing they will notice is if you look the part.
“75% of consumers admit to making judgements on a company’s credibility based on the company’s website design.”
If your potential customer lands on your site and your colors don’t match, your fonts are all different shapes and sizes, and your images are inconsistent, more than likely, your credibility has just gone down in their mind. Oftentimes, snap judgment calls are made about your business based on how your website looks online.
“38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout are unattractive.”
I know it sounds crazy and maybe even a little harsh, but the statistics show that this is the reality that we live in as online business owners.
But the thing is, to create a website that looks cohesive and consistent online, we first have to start with a consistent and cohesive brand. If you don’t have a cohesive and consistent brand, then you can’t have a cohesive and consistent website or business.
One of the first keys to creating a brand that is cohesive and consistent is choosing fonts for your brand. We know that this can feel overwhelming to someone who doesn't have a design degree, so today we want to give you 25 of our favorite font pairings that you can use for your brand and website. View 8 of our favorites below and download all 25 right here!
Will these font pairings work on my Squarespace website?
Yes! All of these font pairings can be worked into any Squarespace (and Canva!) website including all of the Squarespace website templates in our shop. Each template comes pre-designed and ready to customize. Simply add your own brand colors, fonts, images, and words. Our templates also come with a page-by-page copywriting blueprint so you can simply follow the prompts and launch your new (attractive & professional) website in as little a few hours!
Will these fonts also work in Canva?
Yes! We LOVE using Canva and if you’re creating a brand, it doesn’t make sense to choose fonts that are ONLY available inside your website platform. You also want to be able to use those fonts in your business files, freebies, graphics, etc. That’s where Canva comes in!
Each of these font pairings we’re giving you below and in our free guide is naturally available inside Squarespace AND Canva, so you don’t have to download/upload any font files or know any code to use these fonts throughout your business.
Before we dive in, here are a few tips you need to know before choosing your best brand font.
1. Choose fonts that you can use.
What we mean by this is that if you’re using Squarespace to build your website, it will make your life SO MUCH easier if you select brand fonts that are already built into Squarespace. And if you know you’re going to be using Canva to create graphics for your business, then you’ll want to select fonts that are already built into Canva. This goes for whatever website and design programs you’re using for your business.
As for us, we pretty much stick to using and recommending Squarespace and Canva. We do use Adobe programs for creating logos and such, but our clients can all get away with using those two platforms for almost all their needs. Therefore, if you find a font that is in both Squarespace AND Canva, then you’ll be able to use that font throughout all of your business needs.
2. Choose timeless fonts.
Nothing can tank a design faster than a font that looks like it belongs in the ‘90s... in a bad way. Now, there may be exceptions to this ‘rule’, but if you want to DIY a brand with the best fonts, it’s best to not choose fonts that visibly look like they belong in a different decade.
3. Choose simple fonts.
This is similar to the second point above, but cluttered-looking fonts can quickly become ‘cheap’ looking. Your best bet is to stick with serif or sans serif fonts for your headers and paragraph fonts and if you want a fun, accent font, you can always add a handwritten or script font to use sparingly.
Grab our free Squarespace + Canva font pairing guide!
Get all 25 of our favorite font pairings, our signature Canva font board, and a quick instructional video that walks you through choosing the best fonts for your business.
Below are 8 of our favorite font pairings that you can find in both Squarespace and Canva.
Want our complete font pairing guide + templates? Grab it for free here. Also, check out our Squarespace template shop where you can easily add these font pairings into any template to create a branded and cohesive website that’s ready to launch in a matter of hours… not weeks or months!
1. Bebas Neue + Red Hat Display
2. Cinzel and Noto Sans
3. Raleway and Open Sans
4. Merriweather and Muli Regular
5. Work Sans and Open Sans
6. Oswald and Lora
7. Unica one and crimson pro
8. Permanent Marker and Overpass light
There are 8 of our favorites, but you can grab all 25 Squarespace + Canva font pairings right here.
In this free guide, you’ll get all 25 of our favorite font pairings, our signature Canva font board, and a quick instructional video that walks you through choosing the best fonts for your business. Just click here to grab it now.
What are your Next steps?
If you’re ready to level up your business with a website you’re proud of in as little as a few hours, check out our Squarespace template shop. Our templates come pre-designed and ready to customize by adding your own colors, fonts, images, and words. We make the website building and launching process as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Each template also comes with a website copywriting guide that walks you through writing strategic words that will capture your ideal viewer’s attention and keep them reading more.
Well, there you have it! We can’t wait to see how your brand turns out! If you’ve used one of these pairings in your brand, would you reach out to us and show us your new brand? Just contact us to get the conversation started.