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What is your hearts cry and why does it matter?

Things are shifting in my life...

The more I work my businesses the more I realize the amazing opportunity I have to help ladies step out in courage, spend more time with their families, and REALLY live out their passion projects...

Projects like...

Digging clean water wells in other countries...
Building orphanages...
Starting a ministry or organization...
Giving REALLY generously to an already existing one...
Writing a book about something God has put on their heart...
Starting a business...
Adopting a little baby...
Being a stay at home mom with their littles...

But the thing is... money.

Debt stands in the way. Bills stand in the way. Car payments stand in the way. Lack of time stands in your way. And as great as that dream is, you just tell yourself it isn't possible for you, right?

So you push it down. You think...

"Maybe someday I’ll have the time/money..."

"Maybe it's just meant for someone else more qualified/capable/outgoing/financially able..."

I know exactly how you feel because I thought the same things...

I wanted to start a business and stay home more with my (at the time) new baby, but didn't know how it would be possible. I wanted to help ladies get their passion and calling into the world in BIG ways but didn't think I could really have any kind of real influence. I wanted to give generously to charities, but how was that possible if we were able to just barely pay our own bills?

So I lowered my expectations. Told myself I was content and comfortable where I was. And just lived the same day, week, month over and over and over.

But the truth is I still wanted those things... those dreams were still being put in my heart! I felt ungrateful for wanting more when I had been given so much. It felt selfish.

It took someone (actually many someone's) speaking truth into me to finally realize that what God calls us to - He also qualifies us for.

So that passion project you have on your heart... Your hearts cry...

Yeah, you're capable of doing it. It is possible for YOU.

The pieces may not all fit together right now, but He always makes a way. Usually that first step is scary. Sometimes it doesn't make "realistic" sense. But fear of that first step is what keeps so many "stuck" in the mundane.

And you know what...
Those who are doing it... living out their bravest lives, taking risks, pursuing their dreams... every single one of them felt the same fear as you do right now.

They felt the fear, but the thing is, they pushed through it anyways. They found their bravest place in Jesus' arms (shout out to my girls at @ImperfectlyBrave). And they took that first step.

Things may be shifting. My business may be changing. But the message is the same... I'm here to be that someone in your life who tells you... "You can too".

Just take that first step! The world NEEDS ladies who are following their hearts cry and living life full of intention. 

Leave a comment and let me know what your hearts cry is below!

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