What are URL redirects and why do you need them?
Hi friend! Ok, I know that URL redirects may not seem like a flashy topic, but I promise it's an important one that's too often overlooked.
So what exactly is a URL redirect or forward?
URL redirecting is basically just pointing one URL to another. This allows you to keep the traffic that would have been going to one page and just forward it or redirect it to your new page.
So why/when would you even need to use this?
- If you're doing a major website overhaul and updating/changing page addresses/slugs...
- If you are updating blog posts or merging posts and don't want to lose traffic...
- If you use Pinterest and update a page URL and don't want to have to go in and update all of your pins (ehh that would take forever!)...
Basically, anytime you're updating a page URL and don't want to lose the traffic to the 'old' URL/slug... then you'd want to use a URL redirect. Because we work WAY too hard to increase our website traffic... we don't want anything taking away from it, right?
So how do we set up a redirect in Squarespace?
Here's a quick video walking you through setting up the URL redirects for your Squarespace website...
Here’s the format that you’ll need to use when putting a redirect into your SETTINGS > ADVANCED > URL MAPPING section in Squarespace…
Well there you go. I hope this was helpful and taught you something new today!
Always cheering you on,