Squarespace Expert and Designer

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3 ways to use categories in your Squarespace blog

If you’re a serious blogger (or want to be), you probably have a list of topics that you try to keep your blog revolving around. Right? Well, I recently went through my blog posts and cleaned up my topics and narrowed it down to just a handful of things… business growth, automation, mompreneurship, Squarespace tips, and then random personal things that I share.

This really sums up what my business is all about! Helping busy moms grow the online business of their dreams.

With this change, I decided that it was time for people to be able to find my posts based on specific categories that they are looking for… Or at least browse based on category.

So, today I wan to show you exactly how I achieved the look that I decided upon and give you some helpful resources to make this change in your Squarespace blog as well.

1. I added my category links on my main blog page.

I really wanted my readers to be able to access each individual category from the main blog page. Since I use the Brine family of templates (and I build pretty much every client site in Brine as well because it’s the BEST), I was able to edit the header section and add these links. Here’s how I did it…

2. I added the categories as a dropdown to my ‘blog’ navigation link.

I also wanted my site visitors to be able to find exactly what they were looking for without having to click through to the blog page. This obviously is personal preference, but I decided that I wanted people to know what my blog was about at a glance.

In order to do this, you have to create a ‘folder’ instead of a regular content page or ‘index’. I also wanted people to be able to click on the main BLOG link and be directed to the main blog page vs being redirected to the first folder link. Here is how I made all of this work…

3. You can link your categories in a blog sidebar.

There are a couple different ways to create a sidebar and I will create an entire post dedicated to sidebars later… BUT, I did want to at least mention that linking your categories in your sidebar is a good idea.

Unfortunately, the Brine template family does not support a blog sidebar option. I totally wish it had that option, BUT luckily, there is an awesome workaround.

Enter sqspthemes.com sidebar plugin! This is an awesome way to add a sidebar throughout your entire site (It’s not JUST limited to your blog), but it is a teeny-tiny more in depth and requires a little bit of work to set up. If you’re not comfortable navigating or editing your Squarespace site as it is, I would probably recommend outsourcing this.

But if you do want to learn how to do this yourself, then you’re in luck! I’ll be adding this to my site soon and will walk you through the entire process in a new post (and come back and edit this post then). Until then, check out this video that sqspthemes.com created.

When it comes to adding the category links into your sidebar, you would go through the same process as above… Either link text or put buttons on your sidebar that links to your category pages.

So there you have it. Three different ways to utilize your blog categories in your Squarespace site. What about you? Do you enjoy being able to browse blogs by category? Or do you like to just see the latest posts only? I’d love to know!

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