7 secrets to grow a Facebook group on autopilot
Growing a Facebook group can be a GREAT way to build your following and grow your business. Today I am going to be sharing with you 7 secrets that I’ve learned over the last year of growing my Facebook group from 0 to 600 lovely ladies.
It all started with daily promoting and let me tell you THAT WAS EXHAUSTING. I would start conversations with new people each and every day and invite most of them to join my group. This would take me 15-45 minutes per day in conversation.
Finally, I decided that this wasn’t going to work for me long term. I changed my focus and began to focus that time on pouring into the ladies already in my group. I began to encourage engagement from the current members. I began to share my heart and create a space that was genuine and real. And you know what happened???
My group began to grow on its own!
I began to wake up to requests from ladies wanting to join each and every day… my group began to grow on autopilot! Want to know what I did to make this happen?
<<Click here>> to watch my training video and follow along with my 7-step outline below.
Here are my 7 secrets to growing your Facebook group on autopilot...
1. Name your group intentionally and tag it properly.
- This is how people find your group in the search section and this plays a big part in the SEO of the group.
2. Create a specific intention for the group.
- You must have a specific purpose for the group.
- Know who your ideal member is.
- Know what the shared interest is with all the members.
- Speak to that shared interest in everything you do.
3. Cultivate the space.
- Create a space that provides what you say it will.
- It is your responsibility to create a space that gives value that meets the needs, pinpoints, and shared interest of the members.
- Create a FUN space.
- People want to hang out in a space that is enjoyable. Make the space a place where they can be real and have fun as well as learn and be motivated/supported.
- Set the intention of the group in advance and stick to it.
- Will your group allow promos or will it have a strict non promo rule?
- Will the group be for support, encouragement, teaching, connecting, etc?
- Will you be the expert or will the purpose of the group be community and collaboration?
- You can make it whatever you want… just be intentional about it!
- Create/post quality content… quality is better than quantity!
4. Encourage Engagement.
- Welcome new members and ASK for their engagement.
- Ask questions – polls, ask for advice, encourage others to ask questions.
- Post things that you KNOW will get engagement throughout the week.
- Ie. LIKE each other’s page post, Insta follow post, which is your favorite posts, This or That posts, post your favorite quote posts, drop your favorite gif or emoji posts…. Etc.
- Call people out by name.
- When you think they could help answer a question
- When you think they might be interested in what is being discussed
- WAIT for others to engage before jumping in and answering everything!
- Give a specific call to action in your posts.
- ASK people to go live! (and reward them for doing so)
5. Go live!
- Choose a consistent time each week.
- Ask for comments and engagement multiple times throughout lives.
- Be energetic and high energy when going live.
- Act natural.
6. Reach out to group members personally.
- Encourage a feeling of belonging and support by reaching out to group members regularly who could use your help or support.
- Just say HEY and get to know your members more. This helps create a FUN place where people actually want to get plugged in!
7. Run a contest or host a party.
- Get creative with this and basically just ask yourself “what would my member love to receive from me and how would they like to engage that would be fun for them??”
- Run a giveaway. (Make sure the giveaway serves you and your business as well!)
And remember: Don't give up if you don't see immediate results.
- Continue to be consistent with posting and giving value, encourage consistent engagement, and you’ll get there. It just may take some time!
I hope this was so helpful for you! Comment below and let me know what you think! What tip are you most excited to implement?
Always cheering you on,