5 Reasons NOT to hire a website designer
Today I want to give you five reasons you should not hire a website designer, and what you should do instead.
Now, before we begin or you totally shrug me off…
I need you to know that there IS a time to hire a website designer, but there’s also a time NOT to hire a designer. So, this is for you if...
- You’re NEW or NEWER in your business. Maybe you’ve been running a business for a year or two, or maybe you just started a business or are thinking about starting a business. Basically, if you are still determining what direction you want to go with your business or your brand, or you are still trying to figure out exactly who you want to work with or how you want to serve them, then this is for you.
- If you have inconsistent profit and income... Maybe you have some high income months and then maybe you have some months where you have zero income… Or maybe you’re trying to find your first or second client… If so, then this is for you!
So let’s dive in!
5 reasons you shouldn’t hire a website designer
1... You can’t pay yourself if you are paying a designer.
As a new business owner, you need to be either paying yourself some profit or putting as much money as you can back into your business to grow it even further. and there are many areas where you can be putting your money that will get you more impact and more return on your investment right now then in website design.
2... You don’t have the power if you hire a designer.
When you hire a designer to build a website for you, you are putting the power in their hands. When you need to make edits and adjustments and changes to your website in the future, if you don’t know how to do that, you are constantly having to rely on them to make changes for you. Which means you’re constantly paying them more and more money and your project is constantly put on hold while you wait for them to make adjustments. I want you to be able to make adjustments yourself quickly, confidently, and easily so you can get that new webpage up and running or that new offer into the world.
3... If you hire a designer, you don’t learn the knowledge you need to better help others or create a new website in the future.
So, if you are in an industry where you help others with their business… Then building your own website is invaluable knowledge that will, in turn, allow you to help the people that you work with so much better. If you can help your clients with their website because you know your website like the back of your hand, you now have a new resource or tool that you get to add to your business toolbelt. ANNND.... if you ever need to launch another website for any reason, you have the skills that you need to easily do that. I don’t want you having to rely on someone else.
4... When you hire a designer, you have to wait weeks or even months to get your site up and running.
As a new or newer business owner, you need an online presence ASAP. Every day, week, or month that you wait to launch your website is another day, week, or month that you are not in front of your ideal clients… that you are not building your credibility in your business… that you are not showing up as an expert in your niche. I want you to be able to build and launch a client winning website YOURSELF... FAST... without losing your mind in the process.
5... When you hire a designer, you might be rushed to solidify your brand and business direction BEFORE you’re ready.
So, if you are still trying to really nail down what your business is all about, who specifically you were meant to serve, or how you’re meant to serve them in your packages and programs… Then you would be forced to try to solidify this in order to give the right content to a designer to put this in your website for you. Instead, I want your website to be able to add and flow with your business. So as you grow, you can go into your website yourself and adjust it for your brand and your message and your ideal client and your programs and your offerings… You get to determine these things when you are ready. And in the meantime, you can have an amazing website up and running for your business, without having to shell out thousands of dollars for a designer to do it for you.
What I want more than anything is for you to be able to scale your business in a way that works for you, that doesn’t leave your website lingering over your head for months or even years in credit card payments.
So, maybe you’re thinking that all sounds great in theory, but “I have absolutely no clue how to start my own website. And even if I could start my own website, how do I make it look good? How do I know what to put on it? Where do I even start?”
I hear you, and I want to invite you to discover my 4 step formula to build a client winning website you LOVE in 30 days (without losing your mind in the process). If that sounds like what you need, then save your seat for my upcoming Masterclass, where we will cover exactly that. I promise you this will be transformative for your business this year.
I can’t wait to see you there!
Cheering you on!